Sunday, July 31, 2011

Explanation to come...

When I feel up to it, I will post a brief explanation/story behind Saije's dad, Joe. I know curiosity gets the best of all of us and I've had several people ask me out of love and concern if everything is ok. I can assure all of you that I am happy and content with my decision in that department and we will just wait and see how things REALLY pan out once she makes her much awaited arrival. I do ask, however, that my decision be respected. Joe, by no means, is a bad person or deserves to be bad-talked about no matter your personal opinion. There IS a reason I was with him for a year despite the constant "roasting" at both our expenses and our relationship's expense and there IS definitely a reason he is the father of my daughter. No one knows him like I do. Things happen and things change. Sometimes there just isn't a dang thing we can do about it. The important part should be that I am happy and I'm doing my best to prepare myself for Motherhood the best I can, with or without him. My baby girl will NEVER be short people who love and adore her.

On a MUCH happier note, this week I'm hoping to catch this Blog up to date on the most recent events in my life, those being: moving back home to Burley, the baby shower my best friends Roxy and Megan had for me in Boise yesterday, Brogan being home this entire past week on his week off work, my 35 wk dr appointment I had on Wednesday with an ultrasound pic, etc. So much going on! :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

7.19.2011 House Fire :(

I was making my 5 minute drive to work on Tuesday and saw a little bit of smoke coming from a house that is right on the side of the main road just a block before my work. I instantly pulled over, got out, and walked over to a lady standing on the sidewalk who was calling 911. She lived right up the road and saw the smoke just barely before I did, or it would have been ME calling 911! How scary! There is alot to the story, but to sum it all up, this cute little house burned to the ground and I witnessed it all from start to finish, which was about 2 1/2 hours. This first picture was taken as the first responders were barely arriving. It went from just a little smoke, to all that black smoke, to flames blazing 60 ft in the air in a matter of 2-3 minutes! Thank goodness no one was home. The home was being rented by a couple and their small child. They had left to run some errands when the air conditioner/swamp cooler shorted out and exploded. Fox 13 News interviewed me about it and I was on the news that night! How embarassing! Ha Ha! I can honestly say it was one of the most terrifying and tragic things my eyes have ever witnessed. Especially at first when no one knew if anyone was inside. My heart was just aching and aching and aching and then we got the news that they weren't even home. Still though, they lost everything. The house was completely demolished :( Makes me 10X more grateful for what I have. It can all be gone with the blink of an eye. The whole experience really choked me up. A few tears were shed by this pregnant lady for sure! Like I said, I was there from start to finish. It's amazing how fast fire can take over and there's not a dang thing you can do about it! That poor heart really goes out to them :'(

Weber State fireworks 7.17.2011

The Sunday before the 24th of July, the Lindquist family & Utah Symphony team up and do fireworks at Weber State University. My cousin Jen, her husband Jon, and their two kids invited me to go with them to watch. We got there 3 hours early at 7 PM to make sure and get a good spot because THOUSANDS of people come to watch and lay out blankets all over Weber State campus and nearby areas. It was an AWESOME show! One of the best firework shows I've seen in a long time :) Jen's daughter Avery is one of my most favorite little girls on the planet. She and I are best buds! Isn't she a cutie?
The only issue I had waiting 3 hours for the fireworks to start was that it was also in the 90's and I'm 7 1/2 months pregnant. Not a good combination! We walked to the gas station and got drinks and treats to get us through the wait though so it all worked out. Thanks Jen and Jon for the invite! It was a blast!

More swimming pics

Last time I posted about the kids swimming in the kiddie pool over the Fourth of July I only had one picture, so here are a few more :)
Channing LOVED LOVED LOVED the water in the pool and playing with the hose. He liked it way more than even my 5 yr old nephew and he's only 16 months old! He was practically drowning himself by dunking his head in the pool and then pulling it out and laughing his head off. It was hysterical! I wish I would have gotten it on video! Me, Brogan, and my Mom just sat there and laughed. It was quite entertaining :)
Brogan is such a good Daddy! It is precious the kind of relationship he has with Channing. Channing is a Daddy's boy through and through! They are the best of friends! I just love watching them play with each other :)
When we finally got Channing out of the pool to take him back home, he looked so cute wrapped up in the beach towel. He just layed there in his Daddy's arms and chillaxed. Pretty sure he was beyond wore out :)

By the time my niece Angie was done with her fix of watermelon, it was alllll over her face! Ha Ha! She looked so cute though! The look on her face in this picture is priceless :)
I can't remember exactly why Caleb was upset in this picture, but he still looks so studly! I can't believe he will be 5 years old this coming Monday the 25th! He's growing up so fast!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dr. Appointment Results

I went in this morning for my 33 week checkup and came out of there with some good news! First of all, I am finally gaining weight like I should! Since my last appointment two weeks ago I have gained 4 1/2 lbs putting me at 154 1/2 lbs. Doctor was really pleased to see that, but also wasn't really surprised because this is the point at which Saije starts gaining all of her weight and my milk starts getting produced. Her heartbeat was healthy like always and my belly growth was perfect since last time. Then she checked me and........I'm dialated to 1 cm and 50% efaced! This could very easily stay the same for awhile, but it means progress and baby time is right around the corner! It will be here before I even know it :D Doctor said that based on my progress and everything else that's gone on with this pregnancy that she is still betting on 37 wks-ish. If she comes tomorrow, at 37 weeks, or not until the full 40 weeks I don't care as long as she's healthy! The countdown is on folks! Mommy couldn't be happier and more excited!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dedicated to Saije!

This song sums up exactly what I hope and wish for my daughter throughout her entire life! It is such a great song and it has so much meaning! I love you Saije! I will ALWAYS be here for you!

4th of July

This year for the 4th of July I was able to go home to Burley and spend a whole 5 1/2 days, come back to work for a day and half, and then go back for another 2 1/2 days. I spent the entire time with my family and my boyfriend's family. He works in North Dakota on the oil rig and only has a week off every three weeks. He works 14 days straight and then has 7 days straight off. It just so happened that he was able to be home for the festivities. It was awesome! His 16 month old son is so freakin cute! I just love him to pieces! The picture above is of him, my nephew Caleb, and I chowin down on the watermelon at my parents house on the kids "pool break". My mom has this really cute kiddie pool she bought for the kids and Channing liked it the most! He was splashing around forever and was just loving it! I wish I had more pics right now, but I haven't taken them off my camera yet :( I will try to do that this weekend when I head to Burley again.

33 wks 3 days

I can't believe how fast time is flying! Before I know it, I will be holding my baby girl in my arms looking into her eyes for the first time and LOVING EVERY SECOND! Mommy can't wait to meet you baby girl! You are going to be absolutely gorgeous and your Mommy is going to be sooooo proud!

Just as a side note: I'm pretty sure Saije learned karate over night because she won't stop kicking me! It's soooooo fun, but at the same time MOMMY NEEDS A BREAK! Ha Ha! Oh, and she LOVES music. I will turn music videos on using the laptop and prop it right on top of my belly or right next to it and I swear she starts dancing along to the beat. It's awesome! I have outright conversations with her when I'm just at home by myself and sometimes I feel like she really listens and understands. She'll kick around and the second I put my hand where she kicked she stops. I'll take my hand off and she'll kick again. I think she's just ready for her Mommy to hold her for real :)

the FINISHED project

I finally put the flower on the "I" so here is the finished project! It looks wayyyyyy more red than it really is. It is more of a burnt orange/red and matches really well. Just for some reason in the picture it looks REALLY red...hmmm...I can't wait to get Saije's nursery all set up here in the next couple weeks. Hopefully BEFORE she comes! I am 33 1/2 weeks right now which means I only have 6 1/2 weeks left and that is ONLY if she doesn't decide to come early! Time is flying! I can't wait to meet my lil' princess!