Monday, August 29, 2011

Saije meets friends and cousins!

It is so fun to have friends with babies too! My friend Liza brought over her little boy Max who is 8 months old and my friend Amber brought over her little girl Hadlee who is 10 months old!

Caleb holding his new cousin for the first time! He kept saying "she's so cute" over and over again. It was precious!

Angie just kept saying "baby" over and over again. Ha Ha!

Snuggle Time!

Nothing makes my heart happier than to see this!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I have the cutest baby EVER!

This was the very first picture of Saije after the nurse gave her a bath and cleaned her up from delivery. When she brought her back in like this I couldn't believe all of that hair! I always hoped my little girl would have a head full and sure enough!

She is sooo tiny and petite!
3 days old
I could stare at her for hours because she is soooo darn precious!
For a newborn, she is VERY alert alot of the time.
Saije LOVES the swing! I can put her in it and she'd be content for hours if I'd let her!
Bath time isn't her favorite time of day, but she looks so cute when she pouts! Check out those incredibly long fingers just like mine!
For as rough of a kid Channing is, he is actually really sweet with her. He loves to give her hugs and rub/pat her face. It's soooo cute to watch him be fascinated with her!
She definitely is her Daddy's Princess! This little girl is sooooo spoiled it ridiculous!
Grandma watched Saije for me for a couple hours so I could run some errands and she got a cute smile on camera.
Because of her dark skin coloring, she looks soooo good in bright colors! I have to say that this is one of my favorite outfits on her. Such a cutie pie!
All her jammies DROWNED her even though they are all newborn. She is just sooo tiny!
I'm pretty sure she's the most beautiful baby on the planet. Yep...pretty sure of it!
Grandma's Girl through and through!
I love how she sleeps. Every ultrasoud pic I have she has at least one of her arms up with her hand over her ear. It's what she's used to I guess! 

Saije Mikkel Lyons-Born August 21, 2011

Saije Mikkel Lyons entered this world on Sunday August 21, 2011 at 2:49 PM after 15 1/2 hours of labor. She weighed in at 6 lbs 10 oz and measured 18 1/2 inches long. She has a head full of long dark hair, the most beautiful dark complextion, and a little personality that will melt your heart!
Brogan and I had just layed down to go to bed at about 10:30 PM Saturday night and at approximately 11:15 PM my water broke! I was supposed to be induced in Utah at Ogden Regional Hospital the coming Thursday, the 25th, but obviously didn't quite make it! I decided it was much safer to go into my local hospital to deliver than risk making the two hour drive to Ogden and having a baby on the side of the freeway! The Dr. on call that delivered her was Dr. Jeppson and he was amazing! He's actually my mom's OBGYN. He made the whole child birth experience as great as possible. He was cracking jokes while I was pushing and when she finally came out he was so sweet. In the picture above, I had just gotten to the hospital and hooked up to my IV so I could start getting the antibiotic for my Strep B. I needed to get at least 4 hours of it before Saije came through the birth canal. I ended up getting about 13 hours of it! It was about 1:30 AM in the pic!
Brogan and my Mom were at the hospital with me almost the entire time from when I checked in until delivery. Because everything happened in the middle of the night, we were all exhausted and didn't get hardly any sleep. Brogan caught a few Z's on the couch as you can see :) From the time my water broke to when she was born was 15 1/2 hours. It was a L-O-N-G night/day for all of us!
After an hour of pushing, my beautiful baby girl made her grand entrance! It was the most AMAZING feeling on the planet! Thank goodness for epidurals though! My epidural wore off for the two hours prior to the hour of pushing. My second dose of anethesia kicked in right as I started pushing! I thought I was going to have to go through natural child birth for a minute and I was scared to death! The contractions I felt during the two hours without anything was excruciating! Thank goodness I had Brogan by my side the entire time to hold my hand and talk me through the pain. I was crying like a baby! Whoever says child birth doesn't hurt is a liar! Ha Ha!
As her honorary Daddy, Brogan did the honors and cut Saije's umbelical cord. Brogan has been there for me for the past 2 1/2 months since we started dating and has been wayyyyyy more of a dad than Joe, who hasn't even made contact with me in over 6 weeks. I have given him every opportunity to be a Father to Saije, but his philosophy is "if you won't be with me then I don't want either of you". Awesome huh? I guess people's true colors come out at some point or another. I'm just glad they came out now instead of when Saije is five or something. She deserves so much more than a Dad that only wants her and loves her when it's convenient for him. Joe obviously only cares about himself and getting what he wants more than what his daughter needs, which is a constant unconditional love. I love Brogan with all my heart! It takes someone extremely special to take on a 6 1/2 month pregnant lady and then continue to love and support me through labor/delivery and the sleepless nights that have followed. He is wrapped around Saije's tiny little finger BAD! He has spoiled her rotten already! It makes my heart so happy when I see him give her kisses, snuggle with her, or just stare at her. There definitely is something special about a Daddy-Daughter bond. I don't know what I would do without him! He has been my rock! I love you Brogan Lee Anthony Gransbury!
Immediately after getting the cord cut, the nurse grabbed Saije and put her on my chest. There are not words to describe the INCREDIBLE amount of love I felt the second I touched her and looked at her for the first time. Love at first sight. It is absolutely AMAZING and completely unreal. It's amazing how much I can love someone I just met!
6 lbs 10 oz and 18 1/2 inches long! She's just a tiny little squirt!
For how short and little she is, she has a long body just like her Mommy! Her Dad is 6' 1 and I am 5' 11" so chances of her being tall is pretty good!
Skin to Skin therapy with her after they cleaned her up was so special. Sharing my warmth with her and soothing her with my touch and voice was awesome. Even now, a week later, if I can't get her to calm down, I take off my shirt, strip her down, and we do Skin to Skin at home and it works like a charm! She loves her Mommy!
The three of us!
Happiest Mommy on the face of the earth! 
Grandma Lyons was there to witness her birth! She sure is proud!
Grandpa Lyons was in the waiting room and then came in when they had her cleaned up so he could hold her!
Brogan holding Saije for the first time!
Brogan changed her diaper before I ever did! He was such a great help so I could lay in bed and relax!

Look at all that long dark hair! I LOVE IT!
Loving on my baby girl before getting her dressed to take home!
Getting dressed in her cute take-home outfit!
Look at her cute little toes! They are long and skinny just like mine!
She is soooooooo beautiful! I had to make sure she looked good to come home!

I love this little girl more than life itself!
All packed up ready to come home!

The day after we were released, I had to bring Saije back to the hospital to check her bellyrubon (or however you spell it) levels and sure enough they came back "High Risk". High levels of bellyruben causes jaundice which turns the skin really yellow and can cause serious liver damage. I had two choices: Take her home and put her in the sunlight, wrap her in a solar blanket all the time, and bring her back to get re-tested every 12 hours until the level is back down to "Low Risk" her to the hospital where she'd lay under the lights for 12 hours which almost always fixes the problem. I didn't want to drag it out or have her get poked for the blood draw every 12 hours so I chose to re-admit her. The nursing staff at Cassia Regional Hospital are great and I knew she'd be in good hands!
Poor broke my heart to see her have to lay there like this where I couldn't hold her, but laying under the lights all night did the trick!
I got to take her home the next morning! Figured I would take one last pic while in the hospital! Saije and I are home safe and sound and I'm loving every minute of being a Mommy!

Maternity Pics

My really good friend Carli took these Maternity pictures for me. I figured since this was my first time being pregnant, I would embrace the beauty in it and get some pictures for memory's sake. They turned out sooooo cute! They were taken on July 24th and Saije was born on August 21st!