January 13, 2011-My period was 3 wks late, but I wasn't feeling any different other than INTENSE and CONSTANT food cravings. Joe convinced me to go buy a pregnany test on my lunch break and take it so HE could stop thinking about it. I did just that. EXPECTING to see a big fat negative sign, I peed on the dang thing and sat it next to me while I did up my pants. I wasn't even looking at it, but something caught my eye: TWO...not one....but TWO solid lines instantly showed up on the pregnancy test! "OH MY HECK!" is the only thing I kept saying and thinking to myself. Over and over and over again. I grabbed my keys, ran out to my car, and called Joe to tell him that I took the test and it was positive. I wouldn't say he was exactly excited, but he wasn't mad or upset either. More of in shock, like me really I guess. I had to go back to work, so it was a pretty quick conversation. To make a long story short, I finished the rest of the day and immediately took another pregnany test when I got home. Just as positive. LOL!
The first ultrasound I got was less than a week later at about 8 weeks pregnant. With my previous miscarriages, doctor wanted to make sure there was really a baby in there before we proceeded with getting excited! It completely took my breathe away when I saw my little peanut pop up on the ultrasound screen. I've never seen that before and it made me cry. What an absolute miracle! Then to look closer and see it's little heart beating already I cried even harder! Happiest day of my life by a long shot...!
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