Friday, November 18, 2011

Saije got her ears pierced!

I knew I wanted to get Saije's ears pierced while she was still young, I just didn't know when. Alot of my other Mommy friends said to wait till she was 3 months, but I jumped the gun a little bit and did it at 2 1/2 month. She did soooooooooo good! She only cried for about 45 seconds and then it was over. She hasn't fussed or pulled on her ears since! This was done almost 2 weeks ago and they look good. They aren't  infected or tender at all :-)
I tried to time it while she was sleeping, but she woke up minutes before. She looks a little groggy huh? Lol
Honestly, the worst part of the whole piercing experience was drawing on the dots to mark where they would put the gun because I had to hold her head really still. I look like I'm suffocating her and I feel like such a bad Mom when I see this picture! Once the dots were drawn on, she was good!
Like I said, she cried for all of 45 seconds and then she was totally over it. They say it's way less painful when they are this little because the cartilage is so soft and they can barely feel it. She was a champ! I'm so proud of her! She looks darling with her ears pierced!

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