Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What a Wonderful Time of the Year

I love this time of year, but being in a good, real, stable, legite relationship and kids on top of that only makes it better! I am so blessed. I have amazing people in my life, but the ones that matter most to me are Brogan and our kiddos. I know I say it all the time, but it's only because it's true. I get to stay at home and be with my baby girl every minute of every day and let her grow up in front of my eyes. I get to see it all. She is a Mommy's girl for sure! I love being her Mother and all the perks that come with that. She makes me day, melts my heart, pulls on my heart strings with her cuddles, and puts a smile on my face each and every day. The best Christmas present this year is being able to have my own child to spoil rotton, but it doesn't end there. I have TWO kids to spoil rotton and a fiance' to spoil almost more than the kids! I CANNOT wait for Christmas morning for Brogan to open all the gifts I got him! We both went wayyyyyy overboard with this whole Christmas present thing, so I think next year I wanna stick with one gift for each other and the rest on the kids only. I LOVE giving though! Being in love is the best! I am spoiled rotton as well, if any of you know Brogan. Holy cow! That guy spoils the crap out of me! I mention I want something or would like to do something and within a few days it's mine or it's planned. He does it because he loves me and he does it because he'd do anything to make me happy. I have no doubt he would travel to the end of the Earth just to see me smile. It's not just because he buys me things either why I love him so much. I love him because he has a HUGE heart and it's made of pure gold. I am continually amazed on a daily basis at how wonderful he is to me and our children. If he's not changing a dirty diaper he's making a bottle. If he's not playing with the kids he's changing the batteries in Saije's swing. If he's not rocking Saije to sleep he's giving Channing a bath. If he's not doing Saije's hair and getting her dressed he's making Channing breakfast. He is so incredible and I am truly blessed! It takes a team and a stable environment to raise great children and he's captain for sure! I love you Honey! This Christmas is going to be the best Christmas of my life because I have YOU! I went through alot of crap in 2011 but I wouldn't change a thing about it because I ended with a man that REALLY loves me and two beautiful children that are my life. 2012 is going to be even better!

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