All my doubts, all my questioning, all my headache, and all my grief in regards to my relationship with Joe has been confirmed! A "source" of mine sent me a picture and an announcement that Saije has a half brother! Ha Ha! Yes you read that right! The entire last three months that Joe was trying his damndest to get me back and lure me back in, his WIFE (yes...wife!) was pregnant with his baby meaning her and I both were pregnant at the same time with the same man's baby and our babies are 4 months a part! He was born a few days before Christmas and a day after Saije hit the 4 month mark. Wow, right? Remember how he SWORE he was divorced and he didn't want anything to do with her and he was convinced I was the woman he wanted to be with and have a family with? Geezo! It's amazing that con-artists really do exist! I am by NO MEANS a homewrecker and had I known he was like that, I would have stepped away LONG before it ever became serious, but I got my beautiful daughter out of the deal though so no complaints as far as that goes! The last night I ever saw Joe in June was the same week I met Brogan for the first time. It was the night Joe came to my apartment in the middle of the night and cried and cried and cried for me to give him another chance because he wanted to be a part of our daughter's life and raise her with me. He literally got down on his knees and held my belly and sobbed. He said that if he had a ring he would put it on my finger right then! FAKER! I had the most disgusting feeling in my gut and a burning in my heart that told me to kick him out and I did just that. I slammed the door in his face actually and I never saw him again after that. I told him that he is Saije's father so if he wants to be a part of her life then I wasn't going to stop that, but as far as him and I having a romantic relationship goes there was no way because he lies about everything and to everyone and I deserved better! I even told him about Brogan and that REALLY pissed him off! All the while, knowing he has yet another child on the way! What did he expect to do had I taken him back and then found out about his other child? GEEZO! Stupid I tell you! I am sooooooooooo grateful he is the stupid one now looking like a fool and not me by any stretch of the imagination! That makes 6 children by 3 different women all by age 25. Winner right? I may have been stupid enough to fall for all his lies and deceit for 18 months, but I was NOT going to be stupid enough to continue. That, it turns out, was the best decision I ever made in my whole entire life! I have met the man of my dreams and true "Daddy" to my daughter, inherited an incredible soon-to-be step son, am engaged to my best friend, am planning my dream wedding, and am the happiest I've ever been my whole life! Thank goodness!
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