Look at that contagious smile of hers! Isn't it sweet? If this girl isn't sleeping or eating, she's smiling. I was walking thru Walmart yesterday doing some grocery shopping and every single person who would look in the carrier at her would get a big 'ol grin back! I kid you not I had at least 3 people say "she is a happy girl!" I love it. On the days where I feel overwhelmed or emotional for whatever reason, Saije can turn my frown upside down in a heartbeat just by looking at that smile :-) In fact, these pics were taken right after I had felt like I wanted to kill her Father, Joe, who out of nowhere emails me after more than 3 months of dropping off the planet. What a coward! Anyway...that's a whole 'nother story in itself that I won't bore you with. But seriously...I wanna kill him! Grrrr!!! I couldn't be mad for long tho cuz look how happy she was! I love my girl! (7 weeks and 5 days old)

Awwwww! I love her! We went to the High School soccer game so I had to make sure she was warm enough. Brogan bought her this freakin cute beanie with little ears and my friends Amber and Liza gave me the little peacoat as a baby gift! LOOK AT THOSE CHEEKS!!! (7 1/2 weeks old)
This picture was taken at 6 1/2 weeks old. Don't ask! This girl likes to sleep in the weirdest positions! It's what suits her fancy I guess! She's kneeling on my leg!
About two weeks ago, right as Saije was 6 weeks old, she started sleeping thru the night. Just out of nowhere! The most she was sleeping at a time was like 4 hours. Maybe every once in awhile 5 or 6 hours. Then one night I put her to bed and she slept for 8 hours. The next night 9. The next night 10 1/2. And the last two nights 11 hours! I am soooo happy! The last two weeks have been amazing when it comes to getting enough sleep! She even is takind pretty decent naps during the day too. Makes life alot easier for Mommy :)
Saije has her 2 month checkup tomorrow with Dr. Graham. She'll also get all her shots...I'm trying to prepare myself! Dr. Graham is the doctor that found my little brother's cancer about two years ago. He lives right up the road from my parent's house actually. He is such an amazing doctor. Although he isn't a pediatrician, just a family doctor, he has a special way with babies. I wouldn't want anyone else!
Saije used to hate the bathtub. I don't know if you remember from one of my prior posts when she was just tiny, but everytime I'd get her near the bathtub or she could hear the water running she would FREAK OUT and scream her head off! I finally ditched the baby bather and just put her directly in the water that is like 2 inches deep and hold her head up with my hand. Man alive! That girl loves the bath now! She kicks and kicks and kicks in the water so it splashes and she just giggles and giggles! It's so fun to watch her! I actually video'd it but I haven't been able to figure out how to put videos on here yet. We've been doing it this way for the past three weeks now. Thank goodness we figured it out cuz having her freak out everytime I needed to bath her was a pain in my butt!
Saije is TOTALLY not a binkie baby. I could never give her a binkie again and she could care less! The ONLY time she will take one is if she's being a little fussy for no reason and I pick her up to cuddle her. I'll stick the binkie in her mouth to help soothe her and put her to sleep and it honestly only take like a minute. The binkie falls out of her mouth at that point. Just another thing I don't have to ween her of I guess!