My baby girl is 2 months old already! Where has the time gone?! We took her in for her 2 month checkup with Dr. Graham last week and here are her stats: she was 11 lbs 1 oz and 23 inches long! At birth she was 6 lbs 10 oz and 18 1/2 inches long! She's a growin girl and FAST! She is 100% healthy, she just has a few issues that can be easily resolved. See in the picture how her head leans to her right? She has a condition called torticollis where the muscles on one side of her neck are tighter than the ones on the other side of her neck. This causes her head to lean to the tight side. Dr. Graham sent us to physical therapy where they showed me excercises to do at home with her to help loosen up those muscles on the tight side. No biggie. He says it's very common and it's caused by the way she was positioned in my belly.
She also has a cross-eye issue. All babies go cross-eyed when they are first born because their eye muscles aren't strong enough yet. As she started getting older she was still going cross-eyed from time to time. She hasn't in a couple weeks now, but Dr. Graham says one of her eyes is still weaker and slower than the other. He says he will check it out when I take her back in for her 4 month checkup and if it's still a problem, he will send her to an eye specialist. Sometimes some babies just take longer to build up those eye muscles. Saije's father Joe has a lazy eye so maybe it's the genetic side of things. Who knows. You can do it Saije! At this appointment she got her first round of shots and boy did she scream bloody murder! I knew she would, but still. It's hard for a Mother to see her sweet baby be in pain and cry so hard and not be able to do anything about it! I didn't outright cry, but as I was kissing her little cheeks trying to calm her down while the shots were being given to her, I got really teary eyed :-( I know they are for her benefit and that's the only reason I did it.
Look at her curly hair! When she was first born her hair was straight straight straight and dark dark dark! As she's gotten older, it's lightened up ALOT and goes really curly! I've started putting hair gel/wax in it so it stays that way during the day and I get TONS of compliments on how cute her and her hair is! What can I say...I have a BEAUTIFUL little girl!
Mommy hadn't done her hair yet this day, but her outfit was adorable. Brogan bought it for her...of course! I swear everything this girl owns says something about Daddy on it! Ha Ha!
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