Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fun in North Dakota!

10 weeks old today!
I love taking pictures of her cuz she is so damn cute! Her little personality comes out more and more each and every day and she is so fun! Such a pleasant baby. I got REALLY lucky to have such a sweet spirited baby girl to love on all day and be best friends with!
9 weeks and 5 days old
Trying to stay warm! It's been in the low 30's the entire time we've been here and it's supposed to get colder this week! Like 11 and 13 degrees!!!
9 weeks and 4 days old
This picture totally looks like Saije took it herself because of the way her arm is up! Ha Ha!
Always smilin' from ear to ear!
I'm pretty sure her hair gets more and more curly every day. It's so easy to do and only takes like 30 seconds! :-)
My good friends Mike and Char had their little boy the day Brogan and I got engaged, September 29th. He's barely a month old and Saije is just over 2 months old, but look at the difference in size! Saije is a monster compared to little Ryan! One of the big things is that Saije was 6 1/2 lbs when she was born and Ryan was barely 5 lbs. He was a little tyke from the get-go and has had trouble gaining weight so I think Saije will always be bigger than him unless he hits a massive growth spurt! He just might!

Just as a side note: All the outfits Saije is wearing now are all 3 month outfits. They are just a TINY bit too big but all her newborn stuff and 0-3 month stuff is way too small. She has a long body like her Mama so all the onsies were way too tight. She barely hit 2 months last week but she's already wearing 3 month clothes! She's growing up! The day before we came to North Dakota I got a box and boxed up all her newborn clothes to put in storage. It was really sad! They were all so cute and I remember her wearing each and every one of them for the first time and thinking she looked absolutely adorable in them! Her clothes keep getting cuter and cuter tho! Probably cuz Brogan has a shopping addiction ;-) Ok...maybe me too! Lol!

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