Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cousins reunited! 3.28.12

I hadn't seen my niece and nephew in 6 MONTHS so in talking to my sister-in-law I arranged to go to Filer and spend an entire day with them both while Parker and Heather worked. Caleb was on Spring Break so it worked out perfect! They both have grown up so much since I saw them last! Angie is talking talking talking and it absolutely amazes me because Channing is only 6 weeks younger than her and he isn't nearly as advanced as her as far as language goes. She is also almost fully potty trained and Channing is no where CLOSE! Oh well. I guess different kids learn faster than others. And Caleb...GEEZE...he's so grown up and as funny as ever!
Caleb kept referring to Saije as "his cousin". Even to me. It was hilarious! When I went to feed her shortly after I got there at 8:30 in the morning he wanted to help me do everything: feed her, bathe her, dress her, play with her, etc. He is such a good little boy.

Funniest part of the entire day was this:

Caleb: "My name is Caleb Bryant Lyons!"
Me: "Yes it is! Good job Caleb!"
Caleb: "What's your middle name?"
Me: "I don't have a middle name. I'm just Jayne Lyons."
Caleb: "Yes you do have a middle name! Your first name is Aunt, your middle name is Jayne, and your last name is....Lyons? YOUR LAST NAME IS LYONS TOO! OH MY GOSH! WE HAVE THE SAME LAST NAME!"

It was sooo good to see them and catch up. They only live 45 miles away, but it's so hard to plan visits because of their own busy lives mixed with school for Caleb, daycare for Angie, and Parker and Heather's work schedules. I am NOT letting 6 months go by again without seeing them! Thanks for letting me come Heather!

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