Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Brogan's Birthday! The big 2-5!!

We celebrated Brogan's 25th birthday on Thursday the 20th! He is NOT a fan of his birthday at all. He hates gifts and he hates the attention. Ha Ha! Well that doesn't get too far with me! I got him two 1-hour spa massages because he's been complaining of back pain from work. Plus he just deserves it. He works really really hard putting in 250 hours every two weeks. He had never had a professional massage in his life so I thought it would be fun for him to experience it. I scheduled his appt for the first massage the day of his birthday. He says he liked it, but he's not a big fan of them rubbing him with their elbows and stuff trying to get certain pressure points and whatever. He prefers just a good 'ol back RUB! He also isn't a fan of lotions and oils being rubbed on him. He's a freak about his skin and keeping it clean so that kind of bothered him. All in all, he said he did feel better afterwards than he did going in, and he did appreciate it, however he would let me use the other 1-hour massage. Ha Ha! I can't win with this guy when it comes to gifts! Lol! We went to lunch at a Mexican restaurant with his cousin and her husband. Of course we sang to him and they made him wear a sombrero. Oh...and the shot of tequilla! It was really funny cuz Brogan doesn't like the attention.
Channing had to get his turn in with the sombrero too! What a stud. Once it was on his head he didn't quite know what to think! That night we had Brogan's Grandma, Aunt, and cousins all come over to the apartment for cake and games. I cheated and just got a Dairy Queen ice cream birthday cake! Ha Ha! Brogan's Uncle and Grandpa couldn't make it because beat harvest is going on right now and Grandpa works for Uncle Rick driving beat truck. This is their busy season. We sure missed them tho! We also missed Brogan's Dad too but we know he was there in spirit. He passed away 2 1/2 years ago of MS. We know, Brogan especially, that Ronnie is with us everyday and watches over us and our kiddos. It was a good day all in all! Happy Birthday baby!

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