Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Saije's first time in a pool!

Char and I planned a day to take the kids to the Rec Center and go swimming! I know Saije loves the hot tub because she's been in one twice, but a pool is kind of different because it's colder and bigger so I didn't know how she'd like it.
She is soooooooo cute in her little pink polka dot swimming suit!
Needless to say, she LOVED it! She sat in Ryan's little floaty thing for a few minutes and liked it, but she definitely preferred to be held by Mommy in the water instead.
She liked me to hold onto her hands and let her body float while I walked around. I could not believe how uch she loved it. She was giggling and laughing and smiling the entire time and when I would stop moving she would get mad!
Saije and Ryan are only 5 1/2 weeks a part in age so they get along really good. Saije is way more outgoing than he is, but it's still fun to see the two socialize with each other and watch what each other does.

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